複数ID保持者のトラブル/Troubles with Multiple HIRODAI-IDs

I have multiple HIRODAI-IDs. I work as a staff member at Hiroshima University and also study in the graduate school. So, I have two HIRODAI-IDs: one for my staff number and one for my student number. I logged into the system with my staff ID for the incident response drill. Do I need to log in again with my student ID to do the drill?

If you have multiple HIRODAI-IDs, you only need to log in with one of them to do the drill. You do not need to do the drill with all your IDs.

I have multiple HIRODAI-IDs. I did the incident response drill by logging into the system with one of my IDs. I completed the training, but I received a message saying I haven't done the drill yet. Why did I get this message?

When you have multiple HIRODAI-IDs, there is a process called "Name Identification Function." This process manages multiple HIRODAI-IDs (like staff number and student number) that belong to the same person. Usually, your IDs should be matched, but sometimes there can be a registration error. If there is an error, you might get a message saying you haven't done the drill, even if you did it with one of your IDs. You can fix this by adding the name matching yourself. Please check the details and steps from the following links:

言語のトラブル/Language Troubles

I would like to change my language to English.


  1. 画面の左上にある 「huc13 言語 / Language / 语言/」をクリックしてください。
  2. 「言語選択 / Select language / 选择语言 」ページで 「English」を選択し、保存します。


So please follow the steps below to change the language setting of yours.

  1. click on "huc13 言語 / Language / 语言/" in the upper left corner of the screen.
  2. select "English" on the "言語選択 / Select language / 选择语言" page and save it.

You will be able to view the PDF in English.

システムのトラブル/System Troubles

I tried to log into the system (Moodle) to do the incident response drill, but I couldn't log in. Why?.

Please check and try the following:

訓練内容のトラブル/Trouble with training content

The pre-education text does not mention the antivirus software I am using. Do I have to use the antivirus software mentioned in the text?

The text gives examples of antivirus software provided by the university or by Microsoft. You do not have to use these. You can use the antivirus software of your choice.

Do I have to take the pre-education?

Yes, please take it.

I received an email about the incident response drill. Is this email real?

Please check the notices on Iroha or Momiji. You can also check the individual direct mail on the top page of the Media Center Registration System after logging in with your account.

When I click the URL in the notice, someone else's account name appears. What should I do?

Please use a different browser and copy and paste the URL from the notice. Or, sign out and log in with your own account.

I think I am supposed to receive the notice, but I did not get the email.

Please check your email software's spam folder.

I have multiple PCs. Which one should I answer about?

Please answer about the PC you mainly use.

macOS 15 Sequoiaへアップグレードが必要でしょうか?
Do I need to upgrade to macOS 15 Sequoia?

Yes, please upgrade.

訓練実施後のトラブル/Troubles After Drill

I completed the incident response drill, Is there any way to verify that the training has been completed?

受講したコースの左にあるメニュー「対応訓練 / Response Drill」から、「あなたの前回の受験概要」が「終了」になっていたら、完了しています。


From the menu “対応訓練 / Response Drill” to the left of the course you have taken, if your "Summary of your previous attempts" is “Finished”, you have completed it.

I conducted an incident response drill, but it shows 'Questions without a response' Why is that?

「未回答」と表示されてもシステムにログインし、受講したコースの左にあるメニュー「対応訓練 / Response Drill」から、「あなたの前回の受験概要」が「終了」になっていたら、対応訓練は完了しています。
There are some questions that only need to be filled out if you selected 'Other' in the previous question. If you didn't select 'Other,' you don't need to fill out those questions. However, if you leave them blank, the system will still show 'Questions without a response.'
Even if it shows 'Questions without a response' you can log into the system and check the 'Response Drill' menu on the left side of the course you took. If your 'Summary of your previous attempt' shows 'Finished,' then the response drill is finished.

I completed the incident response drill, but I received a message saying I haven't done the training yet. Why did I get this message?


We extract the list of people who haven't done the drill at a certain time and send messages based on that data. There might be a delay between extracting the list and sending the messages. So, if you did the drill after we extracted the list, you might still get a message saying you haven't done it.

There was a notice on Momiji saying to do the incident response drill if you haven't done it yet. I already did the training. Why is there a notice on Momiji?


The notice on "Momiji" is for all students, regardless of whether they have done the drill or not. It is to remind everyone to do the drill.

訓練対象者について/About Training Participants

Am I required to do the incident response drill?


  • 役員及び教職員(非常勤職員,休職の者を除く)
  • 学生(非正規生,休学,留学の者を除く)

As already posted, the following people need to do the training:

  • Executives and staff members (excluding part-time staff and those on leave)
  • Students (excluding non-regular students, those on leave, and those studying abroad)


相談フォーム/Consultation Form

上記記載の内容で解決しない場合は 質問の送信 から問い合わせください。
If the above does not solve your problem, please contact us from “Submit Question”.